monday wisdom
June 25, 2012

Monday are always a little hard. You’re coming off your weekend high and still starring at 5 full work days ahead. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and in a routine of going through the motions. I’m totally guilty of it. We all are. So change it.
I’m currently re-reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. (If you haven’t read it, you should absolutely pick it up immediately.) Within just 5 pages, Gretchen makes a great comment that we should all remember on a daily basis: your life isn’t going to change unless you make it change. Whether it’s your job, your relationship, your friends, where you live, etc- you are the one that has to recognize your needs/wants and then be brave enough to make the change.
As I continue the journey of owning my own (still-very-new) business, this book serves as an awesome reminder for me that I am doing what I wanted. And, even though I have really hard days and long hours, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and that’s all that matters. (at least for today)