Cheers to 2013
January 2, 2013
Happiest New Year everyone. I hope you had a joyous holiday season and a fabulous time ringing in the new year.
Over the last couple of months, I got overwhelmed. Life got busy and yes, the holidays snuck up surprised us, as they always do. I needed some time. I’ve been doing a lot {imagine me really exaggerating “a lot”} of thinking…Reflecting over the last year and trying to set my goals for this year. As excited as I am about a new year and beginnings, I also get very anxious. {is it just me?} Like most of us out there, I put a lot of pressure on myself. More than I’d ever give off. Having your own business is hard. It’s amazing and liberating but oh-so hard. I’m pretty sure I put more pressure on myself now than any boss ever did. No one wants to fail so {as your own boss} you are constantly getting down on yourself
…I could have worked harder. I should have made more money…
You can easily get lost in these thoughts while your heart starts pounding, your hands start sweating and you shoot up out of bed in total panic. {totally hypothetical situation, of course}
Unfortunately, success doesn’t happen overnight. No matter the hours, money, tears and late nights, it still takes time. So stop for a minute. take a breath. regroup. and focus. Reflect on the success you have and look at your PROGRESS. Try, for one minute, to focus on the positive. Remind yourself where you started and look at how far you’ve come. It’s a new year with new goals and new chances. So take them and keep on keeping on
Okay, so now that I’ve given you a pep talk {okay- so it was really for me. I just needed to say it out loud}, I wanted to share this inspiration I found over on the atelier.

I hope you’ve found your inspiration for the new year. I’d love to hear from you, so give me a shout out and tell me about your goals, promises or just to say hi. Cheers!
:: happy, happy ::