MeOhMy Design


The golden girls

I have been waiting for last night for awhile now. Not only was it the Golden Globes but it was also the season two premiere of GIRLS. 

:: side note :: If you haven’t watched GIRLS yet, you probably should take a sick day and catch up immediately. Lena Dunham is brilliant {hello writer, director and star at age 26} and so ridiculously spot on in her tales of living and surviving as a 20-something girl.
Okay, back to the Globes. Besides loving the hilarious girl hosting duo AND laughing my face off at Kristen and Will’s presentation, fashion is and always will be my favorite part of the award-winning-season. 
There were a lot of classic reds and winter whites out on the red carpet yesterday, but I couldn’t help but gasp when I saw these beautiful ladies- Jessica Alba {GORG!} and a close runner-up, Kerry Washington. They both looked absolutely stunning and won over my pick for the golden girl of the night.
Who are your golden girls of the globes? 

  1. Divider


    January 14, 2013

    Both Jessica and Kerry looked amazing last night!