MeOhMy Design


quinoa is the new bacon

Lately, I can’t get enough quinoa. For whatever reason, around dinner time, I find myself reaching for this yummy, little “grain” and making a meal out of it. It’s so easy and so good for you. {bonus!}

Recently, my go-tos have been quinoa fritters and a cheesy, roasted veggie quinoa bowl. 
First up, the fritters. I’ve made these puppies several times and they keep getting better and better.
On this particular night, I put them on a bed of arugula with roasted chickpeas and a homemade greek yogurt aioli sauce. 
{recipe adapted from here}
Next up, the veggie quinoa bowl. I saw this recipe and thought, what a great idea! Cook up some quinoa and throw in whatever you might have in your fridge. Oddly enough, I had several of the ingredients already listed on the recipe. I roasted brussel sprouts and fingerling potatoes, toasted some pine nuts and wilted a handful of arugula. Mix it together, throw in some cheese and you have yourself a very delicious and filling meal! I can’t wait to throw some grilled veggies on it and give it a summer spin. 
{i ate too fast to get a pic so i had to take one of the leftovers}
What’s your favorite quinoa recipe?
{see more of my quinoa recipes here}

a yummy snack

a friend recently told me about roasted chickpeas. I hadn’t tried them before, so I gave it a go.
oh-my-goodness. they are delicious. once you pop, you can’t stop.
{and luckily, it’s pretty healthy}

Here’s what you do:

set oven to 400
rinse + dry chickpeas
sprinkle with any seasoning you’d like
spread on a cookie sheet and bake, 20-30 mins

craving something salty? drizzle with olive oil and top with garlic salt, pepper and chili powder
need something sweet? toss them in sugar and cinnamon.

happy snacking!


and so it begins

One of the best days of the year is upon us. That’s right, folks… march madness starts today. I know to some this may seem crazy but if you are a fellow jayhawk, then I know you woke up with the same anticipation and excitement nervousness that I did. While KU is generally known for its basketball program, we have also been known to, well, choke in the early rounds of the tourney. But not this year. I have a good feeling. So, round up your friends, fill out your brackets and let’s do this!
Happy cheering!

{the perfect jayhawk outfit }

 PINK by VS | Kate Spade | Joe’s Jeans | J Crew

a pantone meal

I had to share this amazing display of fruits and veggies inspired by Pantone swatches. Incredible photography and styling. If this doesn’t get you excited about the changing of seasons + farmer’s markets, I don’t know what will. 
{have a happy and colorful day}

recipe: arugula salad

It felt like spring {verging on summer} yesterday. It was aaaaamazing. {a little windy but I’ll take what I can get! } Whenever the weather and seasons change, so does my appetite. As it warms up, I move away from the comfort (and heavier) soups and gravitate towards fresh veggies and salads.

Here’s what I made last night.
An arugula salad. fresh, healthy and very filling.

baby arugula (3-4 cups)
whole wheat penne pasta (about half a box, cooked and rinsed) *
roasted tomatoes (chopped)
garbanzo beans (1 cup, drained and rinsed)
parmigiano reggiano (shaved)
salt and pepper to taste

olive oil
balsamic vinegar
lemon juice

* you can use any smaller pasta that you have on hand. 


recipe: thai “fried” quinoa

as a vegetarian, I’m always looking for new and fun recipes that give me enough nutrients. Qunioa has quickly become one of my go-to “grains”. It contains essential amino acids needed, making it a complete protein source.

So, the other night, I tried out a new recipe.
It’s a modern take on a usually sodium heavy and unhealthy dish.

I present to you, Thai Fried Quinoa
(recipe via peas and thank you)

I loved it. The meat-eating hubby loved it. That’s a win in our house.