MeOhMy Design


weekend recap

Unfortunately, this weekend the hubs and I were busy working (and worrying) about a few house issues. Oh, homeownership. But in between the stress, we managed to have a little fun- date night, park time, patio drinks and Hunger Games. Yep. We drank the kool-aid and now we are addicted. I’m half way through the second book and the Mr is reading the first. I can’t believe we are as in to it as we are (or that we waited so long!) but we’re caught up in the adventure and can’t put them down.

best husband award: a UPS delivery last week so I didn’t have to wait to borrow #2 + #3

I also managed to get some herbs planted this weekend. This is the true testament that spring + summer are really here. Hello longer days, farmer’s markets, and BBQs. I’m so happy you have arrived.

basil // cilantro // rosemary

How did you spend your weekend?