MeOhMy Design

Category: Uncategorized


life lately

:: a few life highlights as of late ::

Another exciting “happening” to share is our most recent feature of the derby inspired styled shoot! Check it out, here. A huge thank you to COUTUREcolorado for the awesome post!

I hope everyone has a happy week ahead.


Friday Happy Hour

Man, what a week! Several projects out the door {best feeling ever} and a few new things in the works, that I can’t wait to share with you. But until then, let’s talk about the weekend, shall we? 

With scorching hot days ahead, we all need to stay hydrated. Water, of course, is essential but so are fun, frozen drinks. Grab the blender. Mix it up. And maybe do a little dance. Cheers!
:: full recipe found here via Eat Yourself Skinny ::

wedding wednesday :: a little twist

When I got married last fall, I didn’t think twice about what to do with my hair. It had to be up. Having such thick hair {with a mind of its own} I knew it  needed to be up and out of the way so I didn’t have to worry about it or mess with it throughout the night.

let’s face it- the minute it was time to dance, I would start sweating, and if was down, it would end up in a regular pony tail holder. boooooring.

So with fellow brides like me in mind, I gathered a few of my favorite up-dos for inspiration. When doing my own hair trial, I found that adding a little bit of a messy twist helps keep thick hair up and out of your face. {thank goodness!}

inages via pinterest 

:: so, how did/will you wear your hair for your wedding day ::


lights, camera, action

It’s so easy to take cool pictures on the ole cell phone these days. With instagram, hipstamatic and other apps, we have so many ways to be a “photographer”. And while I love all of those apps, I also love spending time with my real camera. I am by no means a professional but I do love learning and playing behind the lens. In doing so, I think I need a few of these awesome accessories for my SLR and my family’s old-real-film-needed camera, don’t you?

I can’t get enough of these camera straps from Bloom Theory. (I want them all!) Pair the flirty strap with this La Sardina camera from lomography and you have the perfect match. And to top it off, why not get a stylish bag to lug it all around? I think the Bossi Bag is the only way to go. Cute, stylish and practical.

Professional or not you’ll be the cutest girl out there snapping away :)

:: for all the iphone photographers out there, follow me on instagram, username meohmydesign ::


casual friday

It’s friday. (thank goodness) It’s funny how the short weeks feel even longer than a normal ones. Oh well. We made it and I have the perfect weekend outfit for you as a reward.
Casual, Cute and Comfy. Three C’s that I love.

:: happy weekend-ing ::

(all products used were found on


music monday

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! I hope you’ve had a nice long weekend, doing exactly what you wanted to do.

To end it off right, I wanted to provide you with a little eye and ear candy.

First up- a few amazing designs that I spotted over on Apartment34.

Alvin Diec is an incredibly, talented graphic designer. I drool over his work… especially his band posters.

:: favorites ::

Now for a little ear candy. One of my favorite bands (and source of the name meohmy), Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros, released a new album this week. It’s called, Here. I have yet to buy it, but from what I’ve heard so far, it will soon be another favorite!
:: a little preview ::
happy short week!

jump for joy

This is how I feel today. It’s the weekend and I’ve had an awesome work week. Fridays just seem that much better when you’ve rocked the work days. So do a little dance, jump around, have a drink and celebrate. We’ve made it through another week.


splish // splash

Sunny, summer days are upon us which means one thing… swimsuit season. Typically, I admire the jcrew swimwear from afar {sigh} but end up purchasing my beach attire at the ever-so-lovely target. However, this season, I have a new love. Move over everyone else, I’m drooling over anthropologie’s swim collection. Colors, pattern, and various styles… Anthro can do no wrong. 

I will take one of each, please. 
all via anthropologie

to the moms out there.

I’ve been a little absent from the blog this week but I couldn’t let Friday pass without wishing every mom a wonderful mother’s day! This mother’s day is extra special because I actually get to spend it with my mama!! She’s gets in tomorrow and I can’t wait to see her. I might be {a little} biased but my mom is the best. She is always there to listen, encourage and challenge me. I know that when I call, she’ll answer- except for Fridays, when she’s playing bridge with the girls, but I’ll let that slide. I seriously lucked out when it comes to moms and I hope she knows how thankful I am for her every single day.

wedding day :: september 2011

so, happy mother’s day to all! I hope you get to do exactly what you want.