MeOhMy Design

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rainy day sweets

we rarely get a full-on-rainy day here {the 300+ sunny days a year is no joke} so when we do, I like to take advantage of it. Most people like to curl up and watch movies, and while I love that, baking always seems way more fun. So in the midst of my crazy Monday, I squeezed in time to make these yummy cookies :: Peanut Butter-Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip.

warning:: this dough is dangerously good
too pretty to eat. ha, yeah right.

Is it just me or do you always get a tummy ache when you make cookies? I have no self-control. I eat the raw dough as I bake and, of course, eat at least one when they come out of the oven. You’d think I’d learn by now. Oh well.

:: happy and full ::
{thank you brown-eyed-baker for the awesome recipe}

weekend recap

Oh sunday nights- you make it tough to relax knowing Monday is tomorrow {sigh}.

So, instead of being bummed, let’s recap the weekend, shall we?
– made some awesome flatbread
– finished hunger game # 2 and started # 3
– ate delicious cupcakes from The Wooden Spoon
– caught up with one of my best friends
– bought just-because-flowers for our dining room table
– played with the pup who, by the way, can hold two tennis balls in her mouth
– moved stuff out of our house to prep for our “new” hardwood floors {more to come with that project}
:: a few pics ::
What did you do?

the shops :: target

Introducing… The Shops at Target

Earlier this year, Target announced a new design partnership launching Spring 2012 (aka now!) We all know the amazing partnerships they’ve had in the past- Missoni, Liberty of London and Jason Wu to name a few. Well, this new idea is just as cool. The new concept, The Shops at Target, will place products from select small boutiques from around the country in Target stores. In some ways, Target is a genius for stepping up and doing something like this. Not only will it help gain recognition with it’s own brand, but it will also get small business owners alike to rally together and support a big-box-store. As a small business owner myself (aka 1-person shop), I couldn’t be happier to hear about this idea and cannot wait to see how it comes to life.
A little more info:
The first round of shops include five U.S. based speciality shops; San Francisco’s The Candy Store, Aspen’s Cos Bar, Boston’s Polka Dot Bakery, Connecticut’s Privet House and Miami’s The Webster
The first Small Shop series will be a six-week-run starting May 6th , only a week away!
:: i can’t wait ::

weekend recap

Unfortunately, this weekend the hubs and I were busy working (and worrying) about a few house issues. Oh, homeownership. But in between the stress, we managed to have a little fun- date night, park time, patio drinks and Hunger Games. Yep. We drank the kool-aid and now we are addicted. I’m half way through the second book and the Mr is reading the first. I can’t believe we are as in to it as we are (or that we waited so long!) but we’re caught up in the adventure and can’t put them down.

best husband award: a UPS delivery last week so I didn’t have to wait to borrow #2 + #3

I also managed to get some herbs planted this weekend. This is the true testament that spring + summer are really here. Hello longer days, farmer’s markets, and BBQs. I’m so happy you have arrived.

basil // cilantro // rosemary

How did you spend your weekend?


an easy lunch

Sometimes packing a lunch gets tricky for a vegetarian. Sandwiches are always yummy but I don’t always have fresh veggies (or enough of them) to make a great and filling sandwich. Salads and leftovers are great but can get boring.

Back in the day {pre-vegetarianism} I used to make “batches” of tuna and chicken salad. They were always a great alternative to deli meats and you could prep it on Sunday night and have plenty throughout the week. I saw this “tuna” salad on the WholeFoods website and decided to give it a go. Funny enough, it is very similar (taste and consistency) to tuna salad but it’s veggie-friendly and packed with protein and flavor. I followed the recipe pretty closely but tweaked things where needed/wanted. I’ve been eating this all week for lunch with a side of mini pita pockets. It’s delish!

Happy lunching!


monday music

mondays are rough. motivation is lacking and it usually takes me awhile to “wake up” and get motivated. best advice? good tunes. music is such an easy way to energize the body and mind. I’m always looking for new artists that inspire me.

Right now, I have two always-playing-never-tired-of-favorites: Of Monsters and Men and Alabama Shakes. The hubs and I have been listening to the singles non-stop since last fall but now, both albums are available to purchase and better yet free to listen to on NPR.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think:

Of Monsters and Men

Alabama Shakes

Do you have any must-listen-to bands right now?


entertaining idea

With the days longer and warmer, I tend to move everything outside. So why night move game night {or date night} to your patio?
ingredients for a perfect spring night:

– make your own personal pizzas on the grill
– do a mini wine tasting 
– play cards by candlelight
– curl up together in a cozy blanket or maybe around a firepit